Spot and Spill Removal

One of the crucial areas of carpet maintenance is the removal of spots and spills. Acting quickly is the key to success when anything is dropped or spilled and always having the necessary cleaning materials at hand is of the upmost importance. Step one for liquid spills is blot, it is amazing how much you will remove with an absorbent cloth or towel using presure and changing as required. (make sure there will be no dye transfer from your toweling, use old towels) Step two gently sponge with cold water (do not over wet) step three follow chart below.

Spotting Chart

Stain typeDifficultyDirections
BloodDifficultRinse with a mild detergent solution + (cold water). Rinse further with cloudy ammonia solution. Rinse with vinegar solution
Dyes (e.g. cordials, soft drinks)Extremely difficultBest left to a Carpet cleaning Perth Technician 0419923167
CoffeeCan be difficultDetergent solution, blot, vinegar solution then blot
TeaCan be difficultDetergent solution, blot, vinegar solution then blot
BeerEasyDetergent solution, then rinse with small amounts of fresh water
LipstickMediumApply Dry Cleaning Fluid to a clean white cloth and dab at the mark – do not rub, detergent solution sparingly, rinse sparingly with fresh water
Make upCan be hardVacuum, Apply Dry Cleaning Fluid to a clean, white cloth and dab at the mark – do not rub, detergent solution sparingly, rinse sparingly with fresh water
Nail PolishCan be difficultUse acetone based nail polish remover, DO NOT RUB! Colour may transfer to carpet fibre, call a Breathe-easy technician if this is the case
SoupEasyBlot first, detergent solution sparingly, blot again, fresh water rinse and blot
Grease or oilEasyApply Dry Cleaning Fluid to white absorbent cloth, dab or wipe the mark, do not scrub.
Ink or BiroHardCan use Methylated Spirits or Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing liniment) if still fresh. Apply to clean white cloth and dab at the spot, do not scrub
Paint (water based)Can be difficultApply methylated spirits sparingly, agitate lightly, wipe with absorbent cloth.
Paint (oil based)DifficultApply Mineral Turpentine when still wet sparingly – Note: too much will damage carpet backing!!
RustExtremely difficultApplication of lemon juice + light agitation may sometimes have an effect.
Pot plant stainsReasonably easy if fresh, difficult if oldApply white wine vinegar, leave for several minutes, then blot
Red wineEasy when freshBlot up spill, apply white wine, blot.
UrineDifficultApply ammonia solution when fresh (not on wool), rinse with fresh water and blot, apply white wine vinegar solution, blot
VomitModerately difficultWill depend on what has been ingested, but normally a good carpet detergent will remove most of the stain whilst fresh
Wood stainsExtremely difficultCall Breathe Easy 0419923167
Tomato sauceFairly easyDetergent solution, ammonia solution if needed, rinse + blot, then vinegar solution and blot
FatFairly easyWarm – hot water with detergent solution, blot
WaxVery DifficultCall Breathe Easy 0419923167
CrayonDifficultMethylated Spirits or White Spirits may work
JamEasyDetergent solution, blot, warm fresh water rinse, blot
ChocolateEasyDetergent solution, blot, warm fresh water rinse, blot
MouldExtremely difficultCall breathe Easy 0419923167


The most important maintenance step is proper vacuuming. Regular and thorough vacuuming at once a week and more often in heavy traffic areas will remove soil and dirt particles before they become embedded into the pile of the carpet. Remember you cannot over vacuum and vacuuming should begin the day the carpet is installed, We use and recommend upright Dyson vacuum cleaners.

Our Services

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Breathe Easy Carpet Cleaning provide a wide range of professional cleaning services including: